Tuesday, February 10, 2009


The term 'inadequate' is defined as: "not sufficient to meet a need". Well, posting such an experience on a blogspot is like Moses telling of his mistakes in the book of Exodus. Inadequate is like using a butter knife to run sinkers into drywall. It's like using an iron to toast your bread...it's like using the flesh to do something spiritual...inadequate. Sight is inadequate to conquer something that takes faith. Faith is inadequate to do works. Humility is a very adequate tool in the hands of the Lord to do some of His best work. To see yourself as you should instead of how you would like to be, even though what you'd like to be isn't anything but honorable. To be humble before the Lord is something that I've learned, and have a need to continue to learn. Just a closer walk with Thee....

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