Wednesday, November 19, 2008


The Waterjet needed some fixin’ this week, so Dean and I took to replacing the seals on the high pressure water side of the dual-actuator. After completing the job, I commenced to starting it up to make sure the repairs were proper. Seemed it had a hard time getting to pressure, and that when it was, it couldn’t keep it. Next day I started examining the system and came up with a possible solution at a couple of suspicious areas. After checking to see if we had a leak coming out of one of the hoses, I said that the pressure relief valve was highly suspicious. The boss got involved and actually rolled up his sleeves to wrench on the system. We replaced the 3-way connector block with a 2-way and bypassed the valve. Success! We’ll have a repair kit here in no time for the valve.

I’m prone to relate things that I go though in life to my walk with God. What is it that He tried to tell me throughout my day? This day He taught me about where my pressure needs to go. It’s a given that we have pressure….from our jobs, our family situations, money, health, schedules…we all have pressure. If we don’t deal with it properly, if we don’t have someplace that when the pressure builds we can exhaust, we’ll inevitably keep it in, or give it to someone else. Then it becomes someone else’s pressure. God is ultimately the One that can handle our pressure. We can daily, hourly, go to Him in prayer and relieve the pressure that is building.

Look for the lessons He is trying to give you. It may be something small, like a pressure relief valve, but it can de extremely dangerous to everyone around if you don’t listen and act as you should!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The People Around Me

We'll be heading down to Big Bear tomorrow, and seeing Terry and Mary. I was thinking about the people that we meet in our life. We really don't have a choice about them. They are pre-ordained to be in our path...ordered ahead of time, you might say. Some are such a blessing, and some are put there to do in us what God wants done. It's our choice, though, how we will react to and with them. Someone is watching, and waiting, to see the exchange...the interaction. And we really don't know how long we'll have to reveal our thoughts, actions or love to those around us.

Terry isn't a Saint, he'll be the first to tell you that, but he is a dear brother in the Lord, and I'm really looking forward to spending some more time with him. I have a co-working hear that I just found out was in an accident. He's on his way to the hospital, and I have no idea what kind of condition he's in. He's not a Saint either, but he is a brother in the Lord. Have I been the kind of friend that I was supposed to be to him? Have I told him all that I was supposed to? I really can't dwell on whether or not I did, but it's all about whether or not I do. I have to remind myself on a regular basis that it's not about what I see in others, but it's all about who others see in me.

Don't know what tomorrow brings, or even the rest of today. Carpe Diem is the motto to go by. Seize the day and take advantage of all the time and people that the Lord has put in my path.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thursday, the End of the Week

Every other Friday I have off. It's one of the other Fridays. My Sweetie has had a headache this morning, but says that tonight's get together is on. One of our neighbors gave us some fresh Monterey Spotted Prawns, so we'll be doing a seafood thing tonight. Dave will help me with the cooking, and we'll invite Elliot to the losers club. Sure miss Terry on these nights. Said he'd call...

Came home Tuesday to a broken window...the same one that was broken back in July. Suspicions mount as the Landlord said it was her rock that went into our bedroom. The time before, it was a brick from the fireplace. She feels really bad, and I think that she has suspicions about who it was too. A report, like last time, and I think that I'll have to confront the neighbor....I hate confrontation, but it'll have to be done. It's not just me, but my wife too, and I'm her covering. I need to know what not to say.

Been thinking about Brad, and praying that he does well. Wondering what's going to happen with my bride's position at the Church, if anything. Ramblings abound, here, and I have to get back to the j-o-b. Love my wife, and look forward to seeing her smiling face this afternoon. She completes me.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tree of Righteousness

Listening to James MacDonald this morning, and this seems to always happen....he said something and then went on. I was still thinking of what it was he said....meditating on it. He was in Isaiah 61:3 and was talking about us being trees of righteousness. He actually said 'oak'. Stated that it's not our righteousness, but God's.

I began to think about the strength of a tree, and that it isn't found in the bark, but what lies underneath, behind the exterior. That's where the strength lies, and that's exactly how it is with us as Christians. We are nothing. We are dust. We were at one point enemies of God, but now, we are the righteousness of God Almighty. We are trees of righteousness.

I plan on using this blog to put down my devo's, my thoughts of what God is doing in my life, aside from what he does in my marriage, my involvement with MEW or the church, or even The Bridge. I want a place to ponder...myabe that's what I'll call this instead. 'A Place to Ponder'