Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The People Around Me

We'll be heading down to Big Bear tomorrow, and seeing Terry and Mary. I was thinking about the people that we meet in our life. We really don't have a choice about them. They are pre-ordained to be in our path...ordered ahead of time, you might say. Some are such a blessing, and some are put there to do in us what God wants done. It's our choice, though, how we will react to and with them. Someone is watching, and waiting, to see the exchange...the interaction. And we really don't know how long we'll have to reveal our thoughts, actions or love to those around us.

Terry isn't a Saint, he'll be the first to tell you that, but he is a dear brother in the Lord, and I'm really looking forward to spending some more time with him. I have a co-working hear that I just found out was in an accident. He's on his way to the hospital, and I have no idea what kind of condition he's in. He's not a Saint either, but he is a brother in the Lord. Have I been the kind of friend that I was supposed to be to him? Have I told him all that I was supposed to? I really can't dwell on whether or not I did, but it's all about whether or not I do. I have to remind myself on a regular basis that it's not about what I see in others, but it's all about who others see in me.

Don't know what tomorrow brings, or even the rest of today. Carpe Diem is the motto to go by. Seize the day and take advantage of all the time and people that the Lord has put in my path.

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