Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tree of Righteousness

Listening to James MacDonald this morning, and this seems to always happen....he said something and then went on. I was still thinking of what it was he said....meditating on it. He was in Isaiah 61:3 and was talking about us being trees of righteousness. He actually said 'oak'. Stated that it's not our righteousness, but God's.

I began to think about the strength of a tree, and that it isn't found in the bark, but what lies underneath, behind the exterior. That's where the strength lies, and that's exactly how it is with us as Christians. We are nothing. We are dust. We were at one point enemies of God, but now, we are the righteousness of God Almighty. We are trees of righteousness.

I plan on using this blog to put down my devo's, my thoughts of what God is doing in my life, aside from what he does in my marriage, my involvement with MEW or the church, or even The Bridge. I want a place to ponder...myabe that's what I'll call this instead. 'A Place to Ponder'

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