Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thursday, the End of the Week

Every other Friday I have off. It's one of the other Fridays. My Sweetie has had a headache this morning, but says that tonight's get together is on. One of our neighbors gave us some fresh Monterey Spotted Prawns, so we'll be doing a seafood thing tonight. Dave will help me with the cooking, and we'll invite Elliot to the losers club. Sure miss Terry on these nights. Said he'd call...

Came home Tuesday to a broken window...the same one that was broken back in July. Suspicions mount as the Landlord said it was her rock that went into our bedroom. The time before, it was a brick from the fireplace. She feels really bad, and I think that she has suspicions about who it was too. A report, like last time, and I think that I'll have to confront the neighbor....I hate confrontation, but it'll have to be done. It's not just me, but my wife too, and I'm her covering. I need to know what not to say.

Been thinking about Brad, and praying that he does well. Wondering what's going to happen with my bride's position at the Church, if anything. Ramblings abound, here, and I have to get back to the j-o-b. Love my wife, and look forward to seeing her smiling face this afternoon. She completes me.

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